Let It Be Jesus
Featured Songs

Let It Be Jesus

I was preparing for a meeting the other day and thinking of what one thing do I want them to understand about me. My only thought was that Christ is my life. No other thing matters. Just the Gospel. Then this verse was brought to my mind. Colossians 3:1-4 Therefore if you have been raised up…

Wait On You
Featured Songs

Wait On You

I heard this song for the first time with Jeremy today while we were on a family drive.  We both thought this song is apropos to where we are at in The Wait. I love that Unspoken is also waiting on Christ’s return and His Kingdom as in Pray for His Coming. (The heavens will part, the trumpet will…

The Wait

The Wait

Life is a full process of waiting. Right now I am waiting to plant starts for our garden. I am waiting for our bathroom downstairs to be finished. I am waiting for this rainy winter to stop and the sun to come out again. I am waiting to hear where God is taking our family’s…

Israel & God’s Unrelenting Grace

Israel & God’s Unrelenting Grace

I found the article Israel & God’s Unrelenting Grace by Charles Bing this morning.  I enjoy his GraceNotes. After writing Resting this article reminded me again of God’s grace even in the midst of disbelief and sin. God made promises to Israel He is planning to still fulfill even though they sinned time and time again and…



God used many different means to catch my attention this past week. He used our family devotions in Hebrews, this Sunday’s sermon from Pastor Mike (listen here), my weekly book study, toilet paper, and even my husband’s anxiety and questioning of God’s provision for our family to remind me to enter God’s rest by believing in…

By This Name
Book & Media Reviews

By This Name

By This Name is a great book to use when sharing the gospel with others. By the end of the book a person can understand the key truths of faith in Christ for salvation of sins and gain eternal life. John Cross clearly communicates the Gospel and how there are two ways to live, trusting…

Pray for His Coming
Family Stories

Pray for His Coming

This is a new year and everyone everywhere seems to be hopeful that this will be a better year than the last.  Those who had a rough 2017 are praying for a better 2018. This reminds me of my son Elliot. When he was 4 at the turn of the new year we talked to…

Crying Out to God

Crying Out to God

I was talking with a friend about some hard things I have been going through.  I was mad at God, hurt, and sad. Did God forsake me? Is God against me? I felt so embarrassed, a pastor’s wife angry with God. How can I minister to others when I feel so devoid of God’s support? I…

Psalms of Lament

Psalms of Lament

I am not sure I have ever heard anyone speak about being angry with God.  People have told me to journal, but I do not want the pages to be covered with focusing purely on me. I found the article Psalms: “My God, My God, Why?” Understanding the Lament Psalms to be helpful in creating a form…

15th Anninversary

15th Anninversary

This is our 15th Anniversary Year! Wow! It is amazing how fast time goes, but sometimes seems so slow at the time. We have weathered those first couple of years of him going to Bible school while I worked to support us and learning how to live as one. After he graduated we weathered both…